

Saturday, December 20, 2014

#Real talk

It's been good guys. Thanks to those who read and commented.

-Icarus Greer

Sunday, December 14, 2014

I remember

The things I do remember: The house I grew up in. I lived in a few different houses growing up but one sticks out, it's the only place I remember feeling like an actual home. I remember thinking beer tasted like soda, until my dad let me try a sip and I discovered the regretful truth. I remember my first kiss, I remember sharing my first/last cigarette with 6 other people, I remember every time I my mom cries because of me, and I remember hating myself.

The things I don't remember: I don't remember why stopped talking to the only girl who has ever wanted to date me. I don't remember ever wanting to do drugs. I don't remember what I wanted to do with my life for the past few years. I don't remember what my thoughts were when I was rejected because of my religious beliefs, and just saying, you didn't know what they were you just what they weren't. I don't remember why I ignored the only person that has ever cared about me as much as i cared about them.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

When I go to college, i'll die.
When I get married, i'll die some more.
When I have my first kid, i'll die even more.
When I retire, i'm dead.

My life will eventually be the death of me.

The one thing i don't want is to fall into my own life.

We only get one life, but i already messed up everything.

I'm almost done with high school and I feel like I've barely left my house since elementary school.

My dad has all these stories from his high school days. 

I just think about what stories i'll tell my kids, but i don't have any.

Anyone reading this probably just thinks i'm a shy loser who's too afraid to ask anyone to hang out.

But i've tried hard to make friends.

Everyone has an excuse not to hang with me.

But, i don't really care what other people think tho.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

HoW 2

How to be a slave to society:

1. Make yourself look good, but don't stand out.

2. Get a car. You can't be ride a bike! (bikes are only for working out and kids.)

3. Get a nice house in a new suburb that used to be a forrest.

4. Get a job like accounting or marketing.

5. Drink starbucks.

6. Date someone.

7. Scroll through Facebook like a brainless zombie, liking post by people you couldn't care less about.

8. base your opinions of what other people think, not what you think.

How to know if you're a slave to society:

1. If you lie to yourself

Sunday, October 5, 2014


I sit there, in the dark, changing colors.

When you flip the light switch my eyes bleed
and i respectfully ask for the lights to be left off.

No, you're not ugly, it's just that your face brings me to reality.

And reality hurts.

Life Of Leisure

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Bricks are solid but even they crumble. Alcatraz was the worlds toughest prison and it was closed down because the bricks could handle a little salt air. You can think something is solid and the next thing you know it's in ruins from something so little. Metal eventually rusts, cars eventually crash and   users eventually abuse. 

You were a brick until yesterday. Now your a pile of debris. You were solid, so i thought. I guess some one pushed you out of the wall or chipped away at you. I'm not sure what happened, but here i am standing at the wall once again only this time you're not in the wall. You're on the ground. You're in pieces. Some one should have caught this, but more concrete or washed the graffiti off. It's too late now, i get the broom and call someone to put a new brick in, i don't have the time to be upset.

In memory of Hunter

Sunday, September 21, 2014


The mix tape I would of mixed for you would have all sorts of songs.

songs to dance to.

Songs to cry to.

Songs to just listen to.

The mix tape I would have mixed for you would of came with a note.

In the note, right under the song list, I would of wrote something like “This mix tape is a piece of me.”

The tape would have been something you could listen to whenever. 

I wish I would have given you that mix tape.

Though, it would have just been thrown in the pile of all the other mix tapes people made for you. 

Collecting dust.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

I want to be outside.

I think it's weird af how we're not always outside.

We choose to hangout in boxes.

Air conditioning is nice but so is sunlight.

I like not having bugs flying around but i'd rather be out smelling the flowers.

Wifi is an attribute but i'd be better off hiking.

Maybe when i get off work i'll go into the canyon, or to the park.

However, Pulp Fiction is on netflix....

So i think i'll stay inside.
When i was 5 i was convinced that i was a robot. I made my sister cry telling her that she wasn't my sister because i was a robot. And my mom made me the best robot costume you had ever scene for halloween. Just thought i would share that because this prompt made me think of that.

We're talking about the difference between humans and robots, but with some humans there is no difference. They're human physically, but mentally they're as good as a robot They only care about what they're expected to care about and they can't think for themselves. They all base their political and religious beliefs off what the people around them think. They don't think outside the box. They only think about what they're "programed" to think. Who knows, maybe we're all robots programed to think that we're human.

"All the seven deadly sins are man's true nature. To be greedy. To be hateful. To have lust. Of course, you have to control them, but if you're made to feel guilty for being human, then you're going to be trapped in a never-ending sin-and-repent cycle that you can't escape from."
-Marilyn Manson

Sunday, September 7, 2014

It's almost Fall

Fall is the best season.
Nothing is more beautiful than a forest of golden aspens.
The birds are still chirping, the weather is perfect and the sun sets early.
Winter is too cold and too dull, spring would be great if it wasn't raining all time and summer is way to hot.

Fall is the best season.
Not autumn,
I'd like my crayons back

I always wanted a creative job as a kid. I wanted to be a writer, a director, an artist, ect. I just wanted to create and leave a footprint on the earth. Lately i've been thinking about software engineering or managing a restaurant. I just want a decent paying job that isn't too difficult. I just want to be another mindless slave to society. Wake up, work, go home, repeat. Set my goals just high enough to get me through life. I'm too scared to try and do something in life that i can be proud of. I've always been told to have a realistic job that pays well, get married, have kids, and then die. How can i die knowing that all i've accomplished in life is a college degree and some promotions. When i'm old i'll be thinking about when I was a kid and all I wanted to do was play outside and didn't worry about my future. So, yeah, i'd like my crayons back.

"Do not let school ruin your education"
-Mark Twain 

Friday, August 29, 2014

Sid Vicious was a famous musician in the punk rock genre. He was the bassist and vocalist of The Sex Pistols. Vicious was many things, he was crazy, a drug abuser and an overall dangerous person. I chose him to be my pen name because he inspires me. He inspires me because he was a terrible musician. He could barely play bass and was a terrible singer. However he is still worshiped today and known as a punk rock pioneer. People liked him for his personality, his image and the passion he put into his music.

Things that apply to me:

I like being by myself. I don't like what other people might think of me when they see me by myself.

I express my opinions.

I'm really good at offending people on accident.

My poems turn into rants after the first line. Hopefully this class changes that.

"Undermine their pompous authority, reject their moral standards, make anarchy and disorder your trademarks. Cause as much chaos and disruption as possible but don't let them take you ALIVE."

-Sid Vicious