

Sunday, October 12, 2014

HoW 2

How to be a slave to society:

1. Make yourself look good, but don't stand out.

2. Get a car. You can't be ride a bike! (bikes are only for working out and kids.)

3. Get a nice house in a new suburb that used to be a forrest.

4. Get a job like accounting or marketing.

5. Drink starbucks.

6. Date someone.

7. Scroll through Facebook like a brainless zombie, liking post by people you couldn't care less about.

8. base your opinions of what other people think, not what you think.

How to know if you're a slave to society:

1. If you lie to yourself

Sunday, October 5, 2014


I sit there, in the dark, changing colors.

When you flip the light switch my eyes bleed
and i respectfully ask for the lights to be left off.

No, you're not ugly, it's just that your face brings me to reality.

And reality hurts.

Life Of Leisure